Sharon's Daily Quotes

Sharon's Daily Inspirational Words of Wisdom.

“When ego has retreated; obedience to truth emerges.”


When ego has retreated; obedience to truth emerges.”

By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Gandhi  once said: “The Voice for truth speaks to every person on the planet, every single day. That voice is as loud as our willingness to listen.”

If the voice for truth speaks to every single person on the planet daily, are you turned in to it? Know the voice for truth. Move toward it in your life. Turn your attention and your senses Up so that you can become obedient to truth speaking to you right now.

The Voice is sometimes characterized as “still and small”. Whatever it is, whether fortissimo (loud) or pianissimo (soft) you need to learn synchronicity. Learn to dance with the music of the universe.

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 True joy is achieved living one day at a time


-Sharon Parris-Chambers

A well-known and beloved modern Guru of our time, Sadghuru Jaggi Vasudev, speaks on the subject of bliss: “Fear, anger, resentment and stress are poisons you create in your mind. If you take charge of your mind you can create a chemistry of blissfulness.”

Joy is an experiential value so let us experience it instead of speaking about it. Let joy become you, overwhelm you, so that you remain in a state of blissfulness. In this way, you bring harmony to your mind, body and spirit. Living in this state, you prevent disease and discomfort from infecting your own being. You attract persons of like kind and impact humanity through sending out your blissful vibrations.

Sacred Practice: Create a space where you are free from worry and daily concerns. Relax and enjoy the feeling of weightlessness, freedom and happiness. Now, take a few deep breaths. Visualize yourself in your favorite place to relax - a meadow, river or a garden. See yourself happy, carefree and enjoying each moment. Visualize yourself in this scenario and internalize these words: 

I am happy and carefree, enjoying this moment in time by the river. The water is clear and cool on this hot summer day. I feel like jumping in, but I will start by putting my feet in first. Aaah, that feels nice, its heavenly!”  Sitting down, I promise myself that I will take time out to enjoy this moment at the river bank. A flock of gray and white birds fly overhead, making some ‘squawky’ sounds. They line up in a wondrous V formation. I look up at the azure blue sky and smile. Being in nature is having a positive and calming effect on me.

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When Ego has Retreated Obedience to Truth Emerges


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When Ego has Retreated Obedience to Truth Emerges
 Sharon Parris-Chambers

Gandhi once said: “The Voice for truth speaks to every person on the planet, every single day. That voice is as loud as our willingness to listen.”

If the voice for truth speaks to every single person on the planet daily, are you turned in to it? Know the voice for truth. Move toward it in your life. Turn your attention and your senses Up so that you can become obedient to truth speaking to you right now.

The Voice is sometimes characterized as “still and small”. Whatever it is, whether fortissimo (loud) or pianissimo (soft) you need to learn synchronicity. Learn to dance with the music of the universe.

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  3428 Hits

I speak, think, act with humility and self-control


The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain 

and pleasure use you. If you don’t, life controls you.
- Anthony Robbins

Thoughts of self-control visited me today and pulled me back from uttering sharp and cutting words. I AM grateful for introspective thinking, which prevented me from losing my composure.

Instead, I removed myself from the stimuli, changed my thoughts and attitude. This allowed me to reframe and shift my attention to more positive thoughts and positive deeds. I smile and my attitude changes to a friendlier one. I begin to breathe deeply and soon the freedom of averting a painful confrontation was averted.

In my retreat, I am relaxed and focused on more pleasant thoughts and things. I reach for my diary and become engrossed in my entry to further learn from what has happened.

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Are You Open to Divine Flow of Consciousness?


Excerpt from "Living Life as A Sacred Practice"
By Sharon Parris-Chambers
Purchase Book at

You are entitled to your private moments with Divine Spirit. Many years ago, while attending the Whole Life Expo in Atlanta, GA, 1998, I met Neale Donald  Walsch, the author of the book series, Conversations with God. What a privilege to have conversations with God; don’t we all have these conversations? He said I can also have these experiences. He mentioned his openness to Divine source as key to his mystical experiences and the source of his authorship.

Are you open to God’s expressions in your life? Can you feel and interpret divine vibration? It is one of peace and love. Listen. Be obedient and allow it to speak to you. As you continue to allow the Divine in your life, you will experience a conscious shift in your being. You will develop the desire to continue  to express goodness in your own way, as did Neale Donald Walsch who asked many pertinent questions in his work. He shared his experiences with the world.

Let’s explore some of these questions: What is your truth? With whom are you sharing it? What is your life’s  purpose? Is God speaking in and through you or, are you allowing the world to edit your Divine f low. Is the world taking you for a puppet, turning you and twisting you around? Or, are you standing on solid ground, open to the f low of Divine consciousness? Are you allowing Divine Spirit to animate you with every breath and to manifest in your life?

It is time to come back to Love as our Constant Source of Divine Good. Every day is a glorious day as you learn to receive and give this vibration of Love to those around you. Most important is your ability to love yourself unconditionally.

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I Believe in Me and My Potentiality


Values to Live by - I Believe in Me

I Believe in Me and My Potentiality

Living Life as a Sacred Practice
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Using the first person to express your consciousness is very empowering. You can use “I Believe in Me” as a tool for transformation. I believe in me and its manifestations are seen in my thoughts and actions. Yes, my attitude reflects who I AM. It reflects my belief in my skills and talents and goes one step further. The manifestation of my hopes, dreams and visions is played out in how I live my life, what I choose as my career, the people I surround myself with and ultimately my prosperity.

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Peace is more than an absence of War, it is the innate state of a conscious Human Being.



Peace is more than an absence of War, it is the innate state of a conscious Human Being.

-Sharon Parris-Chambers ~ Book Available at:

We all long for peace in the world. Everyday there are images on the TV screen that impress on the screen of our minds that this is a dangerous world. Images of crime, death and dying, war, report of wars and weapons stockpiling on the nightly news.

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  2185 Hits

I See with my Heart not the Eye of Illusion


I see with my heart not the eye of illusion
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

"Living Life as a Sacred Practice" - Available at:


The heart sees with the eye of consciousness not the eye of illusion.

A poem excerpted from "Poetry The Rose of Sharon: Divine Thoughts and Inspirations for Living Well" book (

I see you in your splendor

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In Praise of the Sacred Feminine, the Foundation of the World.


Today's quote is in praise of the Sacred Feminine, the Foundation of the World.

The feminine is the matrix of creation.  This truth is something profound and elemental, and every woman knows it in the cells of her body, in her instinctual depths.  Out of the substance of her very being life comes forth.  She can conceive and give birth, participate in the greatest mystery of bringing a soul into life.  And yet we have forgotten, or been denied, the depths of this mystery, of how the divine light of the soul creates a body in the womb of a woman, and how the mother shares in this wonder, giving her own blood, her own body, to what will be born.  Our culture’s focus on a disembodied, transcendent God has left women bereft, denying them the sacredness of this simple mystery of divine love.

What we do not realize is that this patriarchal denial affects not only every woman, but also life itself.  When we deny the divine mystery of the feminine we also deny something fundamental to life.  We separate life from its sacred core, from the matrix that nourishes all of creation.  We cut our world off from the source that alone can heal, nourish and transform it.  The same sacred source that gave birth to each of us is needed to give meaning to our life, to nourish it with what is real, and to reveal to us the mystery, the divine purpose to being alive. (Vaughn-Lee, 2007)  



The Praise Tribute you are about to read honors the Sacred Feminine
through the voice of the Daughters of Zion. Sacred Sisters of humanity.

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See the beauty in all beings and you see the beauty in you.


See the beauty in all beings and you see the beauty in you By Sharon Parris-Chambers
Purchase the Book at

When you practice seeing the beauty in the human experience and in all beings, you also see the beauty in yourself.

You learn to value, to love and honor you. This is sacred, remember the Christ asked us in the Holy Bible scriptures to love our neighbor as our self. This is a Sacred practice – to love the Divinity within us. This is a solemn duty that could change the world. If we love our neighbors as we love ourselves, honor and respect them, we can begin to be the change we wish to see in the world. This is the African Ubuntu principle at work. “I am because we are.”

Sacred Practice:

Practice looking in the mirror daily. Immerse your senses in your mirror image before you and say: "I love you." You will begin to heal the child within with these words.

Another effective practice is looking into the heart of a freshly cut Rose. Find a quiet place in nature or in the quiet of your room. Begin to stare at the center of the Rose, its heart. A Rose is much like life: you will encounter obstacles – thorns along the way, but with faith and belief you will experience the essence of the flower, the very divinity of your being.

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Tune in to Divine Spirit, an ever-ready and ever-present source


Tune in to Divine Spirit, an Ever-ready and Ever-present Source
                  By -Sharon Parris-Chambers

                  An excerpt from "Living Life as a Sacred Practice"
                  To purchase the book visit

There is no barrier to Divine Love and Light. You can access these frequencies right now. Open your heart and Enter.

Remove the barriers of hate, fear, protectionism, anger, anxiety and racial divisions. Accept each human being as your friend, brother and sister. We belong to the human family, one race. We are homo sapiens. However, when the third eye is open, these divisions melt away; only a oneness remains. The key is to access awareness of who you really are, your power and purpose. This should take precedence over material wealth. All things are added when we first seek the Kingdom of knowledge and become aware of the Divine Self. Take a moment to process this admonition from the Holy Bible Scriptures (Matthew 6:33): “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (English Standard Version)

Where is the kingdom? Prevailing thought leaders in the metaphysical science identify the Kingdom as a transcendental, pure state of mind. The inner core of the human being has never been fully explored. There is no complexity, just fear of the unknown. This fear is akin to exploration of the arctic space and the depths of the ocean.

Now, there is a sustained effort to explore outer regions of space. This same push is happening in our inner core, the spiritual self. Open your heart and consciousness to what you really are: of mind, body and spirit.

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“I AM a Divine Being transmitting Divine Love.”



“I AM a Divine Being Transmitting Divine Love.”  by Sharon Parris-Chambers 
Excerpt from Living Life as a Sacred Pratice - Book Available NOW on

As you evolve spiritually you will understand the inner meaning of the following: There is no other being like me in the universe. I AM love and love's Divine expression.

The life force moves through me, a microcosm of the universe, vibrating and expressing its desires to interpret and reinterpret itself. I AM a channel of Love and Light.

I relax in awareness that the universe moves me, and I am one with the Divine universe. I free my mind from day to day worries and concerns so that, effortlessly, the universe expresses through me.  

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Meet your Humility Halfway; Dare to be different


Meet your Humility Halfway; Dare to be different. By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Tune inward to your reverent power. Find your passion. It will take you to great heights.

On your journey, you will be challenged with lessons on humility. With spiritual practice you will learn humility, the key to entering the kingdom.

Is humility meekness? Humility is a value that comes from a deep place inside the human being. It drives one toward respect, kindness, forgiveness and love for humanity. It is an intrinsic part of a sentient experience.

The source of creation is within you. Therefore, rise to your greatness with humility at your core. Dare to be different! Believe in yourself and your reverent power to manifest your destiny one day at a time.

Sacred practice: Choose a meditative practice from the Appendix.

Affirmation: Greatness Lives in Me

  2061 Hits

Let The Universe Live Through You



By Sharon Parris-Chambers, author of Living Life as a Sacred Practice available at

The universe is looking behind my eyes.  The universe is living within me. If there is no person, then there is no ego. When you look at me you should see God. Your being should be a facet of God.

The challenge is how to maintain this state of beingness. Daily, find time to empty your mind of all preconceived ideas and be free. Allowing only positive thoughts to fill your consciousness. Delight in not knowing everything not being right all the time, smiling more and caring more about yourself and your neighbors. Focus on the oneness of the universe and being within that rhythm. Accepting the flow of life, without wanting to control, you allow the universe to be in the driver’s seat directing your life to its highest good. Enjoy the ride!

Sacred Practice: Find time to be one with nature. Breathing in the breath of life and manifesting your destiny one sacred breath at a time. Begin now, in a relaxed position seated or standing in crouching pole position legs bent and back straight as a 'pole (mystical qigong). Breathe in, exhale, relax and repeat this for 10 minutes. Repeat set for another 10 minutes.

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Imagine the life you want to live and then live it one moment at a time.


Imagine the life you want to live and then live it one moment at a time.

 - Sharon Parris-Chambers


Go ahead, create your own movie, the image of your life, the life you want to live every moment. Yes, see it so clear in your mind’s eye so that you can reach out and touch it.

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Pacify Your Restless Mind


“How does one find peace while coexisting with such a restless mind?

The answer lies in emptying the mind of useless clutter to find stillness, the Presence of God consciousness.

By Sharon Parris-Chambers


Mind is what it is. A Conduit of impulses, images and feelings transmitted to your conscious self. 

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Be in the Center of the Dance of Consciousness


Be in the Center of the Dance of Consciousness
Self-Help Training from New book: Living Life as a Sacred Practice

By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Don’t waste time controlling the mind. Use Prana or Chi, the life force, or breath consciousness along with intention and vibration to improve or recognize the truth of who you are. You are made of consciousness and vibration. The stuff that the universe is made of. You are a Creator of your own thoughts and ideas. Mind is subservient to you. Why do you answer to Mind? The very act of answering to Mind lands you in a web of intrigue and sometimes circular thinking.

Learn to surrender your energy to the cosmic vibration. Mooji the mystic says “I turn my face to my Superior Self, rid me of ego and merge my mind anew”. One looks within for inspiration and guidance. Your Divine spirit creates your reality not the physical you.

You are a free spirit breathdancing (TM) your way through life with effortless ease. Do not allow the mist of your mind to divert you from your Divine mission and to forget who you truly are.

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"When you obstruct the flow of Divine Law of the Universe, you will feel its effect in mind, body and spirit.” 


"When you obstruct the flow of Divine Law of the Universe, you will feel its effect in mind, body and spirit.” 

 - Sharon Paris-Chambers

Nothing can stop your flow of Divine good or energy but you. Therefore, find a way under, over or around any obstacle that would upset your Divine energy, peace and balance. You are the master of your destiny. You are the one you have been waiting for. You have Greatness within. Rise to the occasion and accept your Greatness. Let nothing obstruct your flow of Divine good, Divine Intelligence, Divine Greatness.

Now, if you DO allow obstructions to alter your Divine flow, then you will feel Dis-ease in your mind, body and spirit. The universal Law is what it is, immutable. Find a way to obey the Universal law and enjoy the blessings of peace, love and happiness all the days of your life.

Sacred Practice: Find time today to breathe deeply, relax and affirm your Divine Good. For example:  I am in union with Divine Spirit. Take a minimum of 5-15 minutes and relax into your breath. Breathe in – Hold for count of 12, Breathe out -for Count of 12. Breathe in-Hold for a count of 12. Exhale for count of 12 and Repeat for 10 cycles. Relax and resume normal deep breathing.

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  2033 Hits

Question Everything Until you Arrive at Truth


Question everything until you arrive at Truth

By Sharon Parris-Chambers

The first question should be who am I? This is the fundamental quest of Truth Seekers for self-realization and the beginning of true knowledge.

Awareness of self as an energetic presence in the universe expressing in human form is key to living on purpose and to help others to do the same.

During your quiet meditation, question your Sage Within to find answers to burning issues needing resolution. Then listen, quietly for the answer, which sometimes appear when you least expect. Be prepared to stop, write it down and to take careful note.

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I AM MY I AM PRESENCE -By Sharon Parris-Chambers

I AM my I AM presence and I acknowledge this awareness as Divine presence in me right now. Humanity is entering the Age of Aquarius where harmony, peace and love will be the currency of exchange. I give thanks to my lineage through which I entered the planet. We can invoke the light of God for everyone on earth simultaneously. Not just one person, but to seven and a half billion people on the planet. Accepting the changes unfolding before me. I allow my I AM presence to take charge of transforming my mind and body to enter this celestial period on earth. Say: “I invoke the light of God on behalf of myself, my loved ones and all humanity.”

Meditative Practice:  Sit in quiet reflection. Focus on your breath. For 15 -30 minutes, inhale, exhale and relax as you repeat the mantra: “I invoke the light of God on behalf of myself, my loved ones and all humanity.”

Your thoughts can become aimless and restless when you sit in meditation. Use the mantra above to guide your thoughts. Smile and be positive. Breathe deeply, inhale and exhale until you are in a state of deep relaxation. If you are tense, breathe into that tense area. Let your breath soothe away trepidation and worry. Do not wrestle with your thoughts. Release them.

Your breath is your guide during these explorations. Meditation is no mystery. It really is a state of mind, not an activity. Meditation is a state that is entered. Adept, we can access the deeper layers of the mind, the spiritual realm –  our original home. Your journey home will become easier, more accessible. This home is the reservoir of all good, all healing, all creativity. Here, there is no negativity, no evil. The home we know is harmonious, peaceful. It is from this place that humanity is redeemed.

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