Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (184 words)

I See with my Heart not the Eye of Illusion


I see with my heart not the eye of illusion
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

"Living Life as a Sacred Practice" - Available at:


The heart sees with the eye of consciousness not the eye of illusion.

A poem excerpted from "Poetry The Rose of Sharon: Divine Thoughts and Inspirations for Living Well" book (

I see you in your splendor

Hidden are your vices; you are on the path.

A beautiful divine being full of love and wonder.

I see with the heart.


I see you in your subtle body emanating light.

There is no judgment and no wrong or right,

You are my mirror image even out of sight.


I see you with the heart.

When you strike out in anger it awakens my fear.

Why are you so impulsive my dear?

You will soon wake up to your true nature, it is clear.


I see with the heart.

Remember always your Divine nature.

Meditate on that point of light; you just have to start

Love's vibration will fill your stature.

I see with the heart.

-Sharon Parris-Chambers (2011).



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