Sharon's Daily Quotes

Sharon's Daily Inspirational Words of Wisdom.


Qigong image


Recapture Life, Health & Happiness with Qigong is a workshop that teaches the preventative and curative practice of therapeutic movement to help you take charge of your life. Presented by Glenville Ashby Ph.D. for the first time in Jamaica. You won’t want to miss this opportunity!

This practice is used in leading university hospitals worldwide as a complementary healing modality. Learn how these techniques can change your life and manage Lifestyle and Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) affecting many Jamaicans. Examples of NCDs are: strokes, most heart diseases, most cancers, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and others.

You deserve to be happy, look younger, pain free and live the life you envision. Register today – Space is Limited.

•Tap into Power of Focused Concentration
•Reduce Stress
•Control Diabetes
•Improve Circulation, Coordination & Balance
•Lower High Blood Pressure
•Learn the power of breathing for a healthier you

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  5225 Hits

Choose to Stop Suffering now by Shifting your Memory and Imagination to a more Positive Space.


Choose to Stop suffering now by shifting your Memory and Imagination to a more positive space.

By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Today marks the first day of the rest of your life. Live your life, exert your positive intentions or let Life Live You and exert its unknown intentions upon you.

Stop suffering by removing lack and limitation from your mind and imagination. You are what you think! Vision yourself the way you want to be. Shift - Focus and re-Connect to a new Conscious and Visual image of yourself. You can actively choose to stop suffering in your mind.

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I AM Peace Flowing unbounded in the universe


I AM Peace Flowing unbounded in the universe
Ma'at Values to live By - Peace

-By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Recognizing your essence as energy and vibration, you become aware of yourself as a wave, amid an ocean of peace.

You allow nothing to affect your energetic flow. Day by day you live as a sentient being of conscious awareness and love. Harbingers of doom do not disturb you. Deaths, wars and crime do not alter your peace. You remain at equilibrium. 

Disturb your thought patterns and you begin to adversely affect the world. Don’t project into the world the chaos and evil it has fed your mind.

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Experience Divine Enlightenment Right Now!

enlightenment1 Experience Divine Enlightenment Now

Experience Divine Enlightenment Right Now!

by Sharon Parris-Chambers

You can have the Christ mind, Buddha mind or mind of Krishna right now. Let go of fear and walk in Divine light. Commitment to truth and obedience to Spirit will lead you to enlightenment.

Awaken from your slumber and transcend to a new level of awareness. Experience Divine light and love when you listen to the still small voice within guiding you to your ultimate good. Go ahead, listen with an open heart and you will hear it.  It is a vibration; a conscious lifestyle. Just open your heart and trust Divine spirit. You will awaken to a whole new world. The awakening experience is called Satori. In fact, you can spend your whole life seeking Satori, and never really ‘find’ it. ‘Why’ do you ask? Because Satori is experienced during each moment of awareness.

Sacred Practice: Contemplate a Koan of your choice.

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  2537 Hits

I AM life’s expression of the Divine universe.

Life's Expression of the Divine Universe Enjoying a moment in nature

I AM life’s expression of the Divine universe. I AM manifesting as a Divine being and my light has transformative powers.

-Sharon Parris-Chambers


In my search for truth this is what I always wanted to achieve: Becoming a Divine being and letting my light shine. What about you? 


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  2343 Hits

Awaken the God or Goddess in You

Woman-wiht-hands-up Awaken the Goddess in You.

Awaken the God or Goddess in you
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

You reflect the universe, a reflection of the stars that collide to create universes and galaxies. It is time to Awaken the God or Goddess residing in you, today! Do you sometimes awaken with doubt and fear about your future? Has it worn you out until you just got sick and tired of feeling this way. Are you looking for another way of experiencing life that leaves you feeling exhilarated, light and free?

You are who you have been looking for. Accept your greatness. There is no need to belittle or look down on yourself.

Sacred Practice:

It is time to try something different. Begin to breathe in the breath of life as a Divine being with full confidence. Feel the breath surging in and through you. Now, relax into your being. Your breath is your constitution for living. You owe nothing to anyone but love. Your reason for being is to find your dharma, purpose for living. Before you can do this, though, you should know who you are.

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  2200 Hits

I Embrace me and Love me


I Embrace me and Love me (A prayer of Forgiveness)

-Sharon Parris-Chambers

“I embrace me as my authentic self; I look within   

I no longer seek ego-gratification

I embrace me and love my reverent self

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  2365 Hits

My Breath is my Constitution for Living


Where would you be without your breath? Your breath is your constitution for living. It is your source that is animating you; breathing you. Feel the breath surging through you, giving you energy and vitality. When the breath or Chi (Ki) is blocked, then dis-ease sets in. It is important to keep the breath of life circulating freely and forcefully in your body.

When you stop breathing, are you anxious, frightened or angry? Oftentimes, we do not breathe evenly and rhythmically for a host of reasons, some of which are understandable. We need to be mindful of our breathing patterns and correct them.

Become more conscious of your breath that is breathing you. Enjoy the fullness of life, take deep breaths. Find the joy of living, find happiness through developing your relationship with the Divine universe, one breath at a time.


Sacred Practice: Try Reiki therapy and feel the energy flow through your entire body. Reiki can help balance your chakras (seven main energy vortexes within the spinal column that regulates body functions and emotions). Ask the therapist to direct the energy to any areas of pain in your body. Feel the response. While receiving Reiki, enjoy the Reiki/Zen music that is offered during the therapy and just relax into the flow of energy that is directed to your body. Accept it openly. Try Reiki again and other forms of energy therapies such as Pranic Healing, Quantum touch, Hands On healing and you will find one with which you resonate. Apply it regularly to balance your Chakras. Journal your experiences.

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When we are like water, nothing stops our flow

water-image3 When we are like water nothing, stops our flow.

When we are like water, nothing stops our flow.
 Sharon Parris-Chambers

Find a way over, under or around the obstacle. Water is fluid, flexible and changes its form to accommodate any object. It is a primary source of life, as important as the sun is on earth. But do you understand the hidden power of water?

Water has tremendous powers of healing. For centuries, people have used natural spas, a body of water known for healing and rejuvenation. Through practice you can discover how bathing in natural spring or ocean water can change your life. Examples are the healing attributes of thalassotherapy (ocean water baths), balneotherapy (thermal baths) and hydrotherapy (water spa treatments).

In the final analysis, we are energy and vibration at our core. Like water, we can find a way around any obstacle through the vibration of love. Stay in love and you will remain fluid, in alignment with the Universe. Ideas that you are seeking and solutions to problems offer themselves freely. Let love be a factor in your life as water is to the ocean.

Sacred Practice: Go to the ocean or river today. Immerse yourself in water, relax and be one with it. Become water. Fluid, buoyant and unbounded.

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  2949 Hits

Take Wellness out of your Mind by Renewing Your Spirit


Take wellness out of your mind by renewing your Spirit
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

The mind is a mental construct which observes and approves our conscious experience. It is broken down into id- ego- superego and these facets, according to psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, help define personality, attitude and behavior.

You must go outside of your conscious mind to renew the Spirit. It cannot be done from within the divisions of the human mind. To be well in mind, body and spirit, one must take wellness out of the mind and place it into a spiritual domain, an enlightened place to facilitate the renewal of the Spirit. When this is committed to daily practice fueled with right intention, spiritual renewal will take place.

Sacred Practice: Universal Oneness. Begin and end the day totally in alignment with the universe. Let every thought that fire into your consciousness and every Divine action be in harmony with Peace and Love. Do this upon awaking, enter meditation using the sound of creation “AAH (as in Hallelujah) in your sacred place for a minimum of 15 minutes.

During the day, actively monitor your thoughts, and in the evening, begin meditation using the “OHM” sound of creation for 15 minutes. Then, relax into your being as a peaceful soul. In this state of spiritual wellness, the whole being experiences renewal and transformation.

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  4125 Hits

Are you Moving from Independence to Interdependence?

LIVING LIFE AS A SACRED PRACTICE DISCUSSION OF CHAPTER: ON SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Are you Moving from Independence to Interdependence? -Sharon Parris-Chambers Human beings have an independent spirit. This speaks to the universal push from within the Divine being, which seeks to express at the cellular level. In the face of diversity and population explosions in some parts of the world, we maintain our individuality.And although we are members of the global family we nevertheless grow in consciousness and self-awareness. Innately, we are unique and transitioning from independence to interdependence as a necessary rite of passage. We must focus on making the world a better place. This means relying on, working, collaborating and communicating with and Not fighting with each other.We must live in peace and harmony. In this regard our aim is unification of our shared interests and goals as one human family. The African principle Ubuntu teaches “I am because we all are.” This is a great way of showcasing cultural and universal diversity. Let us look for opportunities to celebrate the human family one nation at a time through music, dance, entertainment, poetry, prose, language, literature, debates, colloquium and other shared projects. Let us begin by honoring our own bodies as the temple of the Most High from the cellular level by keeping our house (body) clean, free from negative energies and foreign substances. Honoring our families, our communities, our country; then move outward to sharing the joys of peace, love, respect and unity with humanity. Sacred Practice: Find a quiet space for meditation. Sit quietly, begin to breathe deeply until you are relaxed. Thank your ancestors, your angels, sages and guides for their love and protection. Then, Visualize the earth in front of you as a small ball. Bless the earth with peace and love. See Divine white light surrounding the earth. Hold that intention and vision as long as you can. Then say your individual prayer and end the meditation when you are ready. Affirmation: I AM one with humanity. 
  3126 Hits


In-your-hands3 It is in your hands

What you are seeking is seeking you. You already have it in your hands. Feel it, see it, Become it and Live it!

Awaken to your reality. Awaken to the universe speaking to you, coming to your rescue once more. Take notice that Grace has done it again.

You have it in your hands. You have the secret of your genome at your fingertips. It is within you.

Are you listening to the whisperings of Spirit? Are you listening to the Muse or Sage Within: It takes a certain kind of obedience to listen and take heed; to act on what is given or offered. It is a gift so simple and pure. Reach out and accept it.

It is in your hands to hear Spirit speaking to you, to your heart, not your intellect. Go within, Listen and observe. Still the mind and hear the message, the Life-saving Message. It is transformative. It is time to renew, Rechange, rejuvenate, Restore, Revivify your life today!

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  2282 Hits

Unify the World Around One Love (2)


Unify the World Around One Love
An Excerpt from my book Living Life as a Sacred Practice
Available on publisher website ~
also available through the Author.


Yesterday (April 8) we contemplated Forgiveness and being in a state of unconditional love, which forgives all errors.  We learned about Ho'oponopono, an Hawaiian sacred practice of  using a mantra to eliminate fears, delete and clean errors at the cellular level. The Mantra states:"I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, and Thank you". Today we look at the universal principle of One Love and its impact to change the world one heart at a time. One Love is Jamaica's gift to the world.


When the Great Tempter, the enemy, masquerades as your friend and sends lightning rods of hatred and bigotry your way, gracefully and powerfully just deflect them with the wave of your hand. Your intention is to Send Love and Light to fight your Battles.

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Love Forgives All Errors


CHAPTER: Values to Live by - Forgiveness

Love Forgives All Errors

By  Sharon Parris-Chambers
Excerpt from Book: Living Life as a Sacred Practice
Purchase at: |


There is no forgiveness without genuine love. When we become love, we have the capacity to forgive.

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  3223 Hits

I Live my dream and sometimes my dream lives me

I Live my dream and sometimes my dream lives me

I Live my dream and sometimes my dream lives me.
- By Sharon Parris-Chambers
Excerpt from Living Life as a Sacred Practice ~

“I am a dreamer who constantly dreams. The dream of Life mocks my reality and pushes me further in search of my awakening.” 

My awakening is the flip side of life sometimes called reality.  The sleep/wake stage outside of this dream state mimics reality.

The following quote from The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran refers to his dreams “And his soul cried out to them, and he said: “Sons of my ancient mother, you riders of the tides, how often have you sailed in my dreams. And now you come in my awakening, which is my deeper dream. Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.” (Gibran, 1923)

The Poet awakens from his wishful dream for the mariner’s return. As the ship comes in He sees this as his ‘deeper dream’ and his longing to travel.

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  3004 Hits

Pacify Your Restless Mind


Pacify Your Restless Mind 
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

“How does one find peace while coexisting with such a restless mind? The answer lies in emptying the mind of useless clutter to find stillness, the Presence of God consciousness.” 

Mind is what it is. A Conduit of impulses, images and feelings transmitted to your conscious self. 

In my book Poetry from the Rose of Sharon: Divine thoughts for Living Well, I wrote:
“Truth seekers who really want to see, to break through the illusion and see with clarity, turn to seeing with the heart. It never lies. It knows the soul’s journey and is your internal spirit guide.” (Parris-Chambers, 2011) This quote takes us into another realm of existence, moving from a mental construct and thinking our way through life to the heart’s core of feeling and knowing from the soul’s perspective.

There is no room for intellectualizing, using your mind to avoid dealing directly with life’s situations. The mind is so overactive, it is always thinking, weaving a tangled web that entraps you.

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  3193 Hits

When we remain as our intrinsic selves, we stand firmly in our Truth as Divine beings.

When we remain as our intrinsic selves, we stand firmly in our Truth as Divine beings. - Sharon Parris-Chambers The idea of the human being comes under repeated attack by the ego within and without. Who is really being attacked? Is it the Self that is being attacked? Or is it the personality? These parts of the Self are blocking us from a deeper more meaningful experience of the Higher Self. Each perceived problem that arises is replaced by the next, resulting in an endless spiral of so-called problems. These constructs appear to be important, but they are not. Stay in the beingness of who you are as a Presence. When you empty the mind, you will feel a vibration that will replace belief. It is the essence of the Soul also known as the Presence.The mind can become like a lion. Do not let the lion pounce and devour you. Resist the impressions of the mind, the urgings and mindless chatter. Pacify the mind by retreating from it. Stay in the present moment. Can the disguises of the mind offer anything to the heart? Can it offer anything to the Self? The mind must serve the Self. Merge with your Self as a sentient and conscious being. Sacred Practice: Prayer: ‘Rid me of Ego’Divine Spirit of my higher Self, rid me of ego and the feeling of separation. Merge me with you, who are my own Self. And so it is.-Mooji Affirmation: I am my transcendent Self
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Get out of your conscious mind to discover who you truly are.


 “Just for a minute, lose yourself, get out of your conscious mind; then you can discover who you really are.”
By Sharon Parris-Chambers
Excerpt from Book "Living Life as a Sacred Pratice:
Discover yourself as a Source of Creation"
Available on |

It is essential in this fast-paced world that we develop coping mechanisms to slow the ‘monkey mind’ jumping from one thing to another without any closure. Taking time for reflection, meditation and even day-dreaming yields significant results. One must take time for personal retreats.

Spend a day being in and interacting with nature. Sit under a tree or hug a tree, reflect on your feelings and reactions; just be in the moment. You will be rejuvenated and renewed. Use a journal to capture your experiences.

In a past retreat, students were instructed to go out, find a tree, hug it and interact with it in some way. They returned to the group and shared their experiences. A woman with cancer and nerve issues went and sat under a guanabana (soursop tree). It turned out that was exactly the fruit she needed, unknown to her, to treat her ailments. The overall results of this retreat were so profound and insightful that I am encouraged now to ask you to repeat this practice.

Sacred Practice:

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  3379 Hits

"Stay connected to Chi or Prana through breath consciousness.”


"Stay Connected to Chi or Prana Through Breath Consciousness.”

 By Sharon Parris-Chambers
Available at:

This week we will focus on the Chapter on Breath consciousness in my book new Living Life as a Sacred Practice. I would like to hear from Truth seekers out there. Your comments are important to me.

Chi or Prana is universal breath consciousness.  You connect to it through deep breathing, through your meditations, through your thoughts.  Take in life energy and exhale unwanted feelings the more life energy you take in, the more positive, and healthy you become.

You may receive Chi or Prana energy through hands on application of Reiki healing, Pranic healing and other forms of energy healing. Holistic Massage is a healing system that can harness and apply Chi energy for relaxation and wellbeing.

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Consistent Focus on Daily Sacred Practice Leads to Self-Mastery


What comes to mind when I mention becoming more consistent in ones behaviour? The first thing that comes to mind may be becoming more focused. Consistency follows thought and action.

Living Life as a Sacred Practice and discovering yourself as a source of creation is the key. The sacred practices are grounding mechanisms for centering oneself in truth. Daily meditation, reflection keep you balanced and  grounded. You will be able to step off the merry go round of life. Say 'no mas,' no more to the endless vicissitudes of life.

You can begin your morning rituals of meditation, breathfulness, exercise and journaling daily. You could also extend these at night as well. You are not likely to go off track, when you focus and remain committed.

Connecting with the Muse through daily journaling exercises are invaluable. Choose a topic of your choice, find a comfortable and quiet space. Relax with some deep breathing, select some relaxing music and use a mantra of your choice. Begin to write what springs into your mind first thing in the morning. Do not critique it, just let it flow. You will be amazed at what is revealed. 

When writing like this, do not stop to think, you are in stream of consciousness; do not remove your hand from the paper.  All the editing comes later. Allow the Divine flow to emerge.

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