Sharon's Daily Quotes

Sharon's Daily Inspirational Words of Wisdom.

What you are thankful for today expands into your tomorrow


Reflect today on what you are thankful for so that your blessings expand. Take time today to write a Gratitude List of all that you are thankful for. Let every thought resonate on giving thanks, remove fear, doubt and anxiety. Be totally immersed in gratitude.

Watch how this attitude expands and shifts your conscious awareness. Write your observations in your journal. Repeat for 30 days and watch your blessings expand exponently.

AFFIRMATION: I am thankful for all things, blessings and failures alike.


MANTRA/PRAYER: "Divine Spirit of my Higher Self, rid me of ego and the feeling of separation. Merge me with 
you who are my own self."
- Mooji

  2015 Hits

Get out of Your Mind & Live from Consciousness



The mind can be a deceptive thing, it is a construct. In fact, we are consciousness, the essence of universal oneness. In Freudian psychoanalysis, we are told, mind is the Id, Ego and Superego, part of the personality.

In Kemetic cosmology: Amun is universal consciousness. Ra is universal energy. Ptah is universal wisdom. The three is one, representing the original I (J. Garvey)

In age old Chinese traditions, the "Three Treasures" or Three Jewels are the essential energies sustaining human life: Jing ("nutritive essence, essence; refined, perfected; extract; spirit ") Qi  ("vitality, energy, force; air, vapor; breath; spirit") and  Shen  ("spirit; soul, mind; god, deity; supernatural being"). (Wikipedia).

Jing, Qi & Shen are akin to Mind, Body and Spirit in western mind-body practice.

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Eternity is now; right now here.



The words of Wayne Dyer, author and transformational speaker, is a clarion call to the conscious: "Eternity is now. RIght now, right here, you're an infinite being."

Awaken to the reality of earthbound life. Your eternity is now, it is NOT what you die for and receive in heaven. Remove the mist from your mind, and see with clarity. Your future is unfolding one breath at a time. Your every thought, Your every vision and words create your reality. Do not give away your responsibility to chart your own course. You are the Captain of your ship, begin now by living in the awareness of this moment. You are the one that you have been waiting for. Yes! You. Create the vision of your success and play it out on the screen of your mind. Do it over and over again. Until it makes an indelible impression.

You will become what you dream and what you envision. There is no obstacle big enough to prevent your success. You can remove mountains of resistance with your determination and focus.

PRACTICE: Take deep breaths on arising, During the day, take 5 mins. out to do traffic control of the mind. Take inventory of what you are thinking and purge negative thoughts. Then begin to breathe deeply and consciously. Use this 5 mins. to see how effective mindfullness meditation can be. Repeat often throughout the day.

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  2119 Hits

The only person preventing your success is you.


Quote of the Day - August 23, 2018

The only person preventing your success is you.

There is no need for any further blame, denial or procrastination.

We have to come to the realization as responsible beings that we are in charge of our lives.

We are the source of change, We are the source of motivation, which is a drive withi.

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  2420 Hits

Embrace your Spiritual Journey: Moving from Person to Presence



“Embrace your Spiritual Journey: Moving from Person to Presence.”

Your I AM presence is always with you in this consciousness. It is aware  of all things. Trust your I AM presence to guide you through your physical existence and you cannot go wrong. Now, if you do not do that and rely on your circular mind (intellect) or other people’s knowledge, doxology, theories or postulates to guide your through life you can expect any outcome. The mind issues random thoughts. If you follow some of your unfounded thoughts, you can be confounded. Keep the focus on the present moment and Presence, that entity that watches, the Witness.

However, when you live from your own inner temple as a creator, you become life and life revolves around you. You no longer live life, you BECOME life, a microcosm of the Divine universe. What is real and what is perceived is of great importance here. Without you, there would be no world to experience. Your mental record of the world is particular to you. Ground yourself in truth from an existential basis. That basis would be from the Witness or Presence, the source of the I AM.

When you focus on the Presence, you move from the individual experience of Self to the experience of Oneness with the Divine universe, you become life. You do not settle for living life.

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  2387 Hits

Choose to Stop Suffering now by Shifting your Memory and Imagination to a more Positive Space.


Choose to Stop suffering now by shifting your Memory and Imagination to a more positive space.

By: Sharon Parris-Chambers

Today marks the first day of the rest of your life Live your life, exert your positive intentions or Let life live you and exert its unknown intentions upon you.

Stop suffering by removing lack and limitation from your mind and imagination You are what you think about every moment.  Vision yourself the way you want to be Shift - Focus and re-Connect to a new Conscious and Visual image of yourself

You can actively choose to stop suffering in your mind and imagination NOW! Leave yesterday in the dustbin of eternity. Suffering is NOT a way of life, Cancel, Cancel and Cancel all negative thoughts and Images. Transforming the personality takes time So be patient. Begin to consciously Cancel negative thoughts and eventually you will become more positive, and harmonious.

Choose today to Live your life or Let Life Live you.

Sacred Practice: 

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  2212 Hits

Live Life of Let Life Live You


Live Life or Let Life Live You is a profound statement for contemplation. As you contemplate it today, remember that you have powers beyond belief. You need only believe that and know how to access your Goddess of Godhead inherent power.

Sadhguru, a mystic from India and founder of Isha Foundation, puts it this way: "If you do not know how to address the most serious aspects of life lightly, life will sit heavy upon your heart."

The mystic is asking you to find the bliss in life, one moment at a time. The gestault of life is found moment by moment. Do not burden yourself with problems, these are only temporary. Retreat to your inner temple to find the answers and let the Divine Universe reveal the answers to you effortlessly.

Live, Laugh, and Love your way through life and let the life's blissful moments take your breath away.

-Sharon Parris-Chambers

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  2131 Hits

“Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery and Experience the New Cosmic World Order.”


Jamaica and Caribbean people celebrating Emancipation Day take time to reflect on how you can develop a Sacred Practice that leads to total Emancipation in Mind, Body & Spirit.

Living Life as a Sacred Practice develops your resolve to experience the new cosmic world order. This requires emancipation from mental slavery.

Living outside the box means you have to be in a box; living outside mental constructs is a thing of the past.

You live in the moment, focused on positivity and the vibrational frequency of LOVE.

You live in your Temple of Inner Peace and Love, far removed from earthly tampering.

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  2215 Hits

“I AM Light and I AM Love.”


“I AM Light and I AM Love.”
-Sharon Parris-Chambers

Who am I? I am a being of light and love. No longer will I hide behind anyone or anything. My essence reflects the Divine Universe, the source of all light and life.

I will let my light shine so bright that all who gaze upon me will know my source and embrace the same life force that resides within them.

I AM Light and I AM Love. Light is love and Love is light. The two are one and the same, sometimes expressed differently but still the same.

Sacred Practice:

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  2381 Hits

Love Forgives All


Love Forgives All

By Sharon Parris-Chambers

There is no forgiveness without genuine love. When we become love, we have the capacity to forgive.

Love removes the burden of toxic overload of waste thoughts that can easily be thrown out like rubbish.

Affirm: "I free my body and mind from negative, waste energy by taking in ‘Prana,’ ‘Chi’ clean energy which is channeled throughout my body."

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  2255 Hits

In a world full of change and uncertainty, do not be afraid

" In a world full of change and uncertainty, do not be afraid, 
retreat to your Temple of Inner Peace for guidance, strength and vision."

-Sharon Parris-Chambers

The world’s overt and subtle pressures derail us from the path of enlightenment. Confused, we seek material things for validation, all the while struggling to stay afloat.

Stop! Guard against destructive influences.  Take charge of your Temple.

Let us focus on what is best for developing the mind, body and spirit. If my mind is at peace I am unmoved by the battering noise. I am still, unmoved by the vacuous chatter. I am in charge. My choices are mine – deliberate and balanced. How could I go wrong?

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  1866 Hits

I Experience Myself As Consciousness


I Experience Myself as Consciousness

By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Thank you, Divine Self, for awakening me to who and what I am.

One may live an entire lifetime on earth and not awaken to who and what they are.

Let this not be my dispensation. Therefore, I awaken today to give thanks for who and what I am.

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  2109 Hits

On Yoga Day: Be One With Creation


June 21, 2018  is International Day of Yoga declared by the United Nations which highlights the importance of yogic sciences and its role in human wellbeing.

Sadhguru, Indian Mystic and leader of Isha Foundation has declared: “Having the sense to do what you can, standing aside in what you cannot do, and being alert and present, are the essence of yoga."

In India, a world center for Yoga, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister and longtime yoga practitioner facilitated approximately 50,000 volunteers through a series of yoga asanas today, Thursday, in celebration of the fourth anniversary of International Yoga Day.

Author of Living Life as a Sacred Practice (Discover Yourself as a Source of Creation), Sharon Oshun Parris-Chambers writes in her quote of the Day: "Stand in the presence and power of who you are as a Divine being today and everyday."

Affirmation: I AM one with humanity.

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  2158 Hits

Insource before you Outsource; Look within to your Source of all good. 


Insource before you Outsource. Look within to your source of all good.
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Where would you be without your breath? Inhale and exhale take in the breath of life. This is your Insource which is breathing you, nourishing you, living life through you and expressing your divinity.

 Insource before you outsource. Look within. Take inventory of Self, inhale and exhale. Take in the breath of life. Center yourself in the quiet of your inner Temple.

Sacred Practice:

When you reinforce your sacred life practice daily, you manifest your destiny and enter Paradise.  Choose the right time to mediate daily. Follow up at that time every day and evening. Find yourself a quiet space and start breathing deeply. Take cleansing breaths, Deep, Deep breaths that brings in the Life Energy; use that life energy to create your world, not one of fear, but one of positivity, success and prosperity.

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  2082 Hits

“What do you do to break down walls in your life?


“What do you do to break down walls in your life?
By Sharon Parris-Chambers

This thought emerged out of the delta state of consciousness to engage discussion on this relevant topic -What do you do to break down walls?

Reflecting for a moment on the walls of history, the Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, the Wall of the Cold War or Trade Embargoes (eg. Cuba and Venezuela in the Caribbean) have been etched in the minds of modern man as great barriers to global progress. Those barriers include lack of open communication, discord, lack of compassion, dis-trust, dis-respect halting trade and investments, etc. Now, there is the proposed wall between America and Mexico. Reports are that Border Patrol are separating families seeking asylum now detained in the USA. Protests are mounting against injustice towards destitute families.

Having the knowledge of the past, one can use it to create our present reality of transparency, peace, love and prosperity.

Are these the times to build walls or are these times to break down walls as the late President Ronald Regan used the strategy of détente to improve relations, lessening tension for a better relationship between Russia and the USA during the second half of the 20th century.

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  2172 Hits

When you See with Your Heart, you Relieve the Eyes of the Lie of Illusion and See with True Clarity.


When you See with Your Heart, you Relieve the Eyes of the Lie of Illusion and See with True Clarity.

By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Your eyes reflect images that are transmitted by your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you change your vision. Cognitive and social psychologists say we have a sensory filter or ‘schemata’. Everything passes through that filter. Every human being has the same filter mechanism. Sometimes we choose to see things with ‘rose colored glasses’ and at other times, we just want the truth. Truth seekers want to really see, to break through the illusion and see with clarity. That’s when one turns to seeing with the heart, which never lies, it knows the soul’s journey and is the spirit guide.

Sacred Practice: Sit in a quiet place. Take some deep breaths, relax. Find the center of your being. Resonate in this awareness as a conscious sentient being. Continue taking deep breaths. Explore the thoughts of who is the “Secret Person of the Heart?” or “Who Am I as Consciousness or the Observer?” Write your thoughts in your journal.

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  2172 Hits

Become Aware of Your Higher Self

Become Aware of Your Higher Self

The first principle of Manifesting your destiny is to be become aware of your Higher Self.

Within you is the divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire. This is sucha a powerful statement that I suggest you reread and savor it before you gegin this journey.

Most of what we are taught to believe about our reality conflicts with this statement. However, I know it to be so true and valuable 

that I enclurage you to surrender any hesitation and let this thouht enter your consciousness: I have a divine ability to manifest and attract what I need or desire."

-Excerpt from book: Manifest Your Destiny 

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  2408 Hits

Your Presence is a Present to humanity


Today you acknowledge your presence as a present to humanity. Your presence is not an accident. Some may believe so and some may not. However, in patois (Jamaican language), We say “who fi de yah, de yah”. Your divinity before your physical manifestation determined your incarnation on earth and for a certain purpose. When you manifested in physical form, you forgot your Divine nature. That is why truth seekers stress knowing your purpose. When you remember your purpose and focus on it, you begin to reconnect to your Divine Self and your soul’s journey.

Excessive Pride, Fame, Materialism and Greed are not Divine attributes and will lead you down a path far from realizing your true potential. When your intention is set on discovering your true potential and capacity for greatness, you recognize that your presence is a present, A GIFT to humanity.

Today, make the shift from earthbound to Divine. Live life from the inside out. Actively choose meditation to find answers to life’s troubles. Depression, anger, and self-medication are not viable answers. Through daily reflection you begin to understand the forces that are hindering your God-given abilities.


  2155 Hits

When you see with your heart, you relieve the eyes of the lie of illusion and see with true clarity


When you see with your heart, you relieve the eyes of the lie of illusion and see with true clarity.

- Sharon Parris-Chambers

Your eyes reflect images that are transmitted by your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you change your vision. Cognitive and social psychologists say we have a sensory filter or ‘schemata’. Everything passes through that filter. Every human being has the same filter mechanism. Sometimes we choose to see things with ‘rose colored glasses’ and at other times, we just want the truth. Truth seekers want to really see, to break through the illusion and see with clarity. That’s when one turns to seeing with the heart, which never lies, it knows the soul’s journey and is the spirit guide.

Sacred Practice: Sit in a quiet place. Take some deep breaths, relax. Find the center of your being. Resonate in this awareness as a conscious sentient being. Continue taking deep breaths. Explore the thoughts of who is the “Secret Person of the Heart?” or “Who Am I as Consciousness or the Observer?” Write your thoughts in your journal.

Think of yourself as you truly are, as Consciousness, Energy and Vibration. The Force that is breathing you. Remove the thoughts of me, myself, mother, brother, sister, husband or wife right now. You are Consciousness. Moving and flowing in creation. You can take any form. You are boundless and you create effortlessly through your thoughts and imagination. You can always come to this place to restore, re-create, rejuvenate, revivify and resurrect your spirit. There is no lack here, the vibration of love and light abounds. Hold this conscious intention now and throughout the day. Return here any time you need inspiration and rejuvenation.

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  2256 Hits

Thought is Food - Go now and Feast on Positive Thoughts


Thought is Food - Go now and Feast on Positive Thoughts by Sharon Parris-Chambers

The thoughts and the breath both present feasts for daily living. These are Thought and Breath Feasts.

Stream of consciousness is a Thought Fest when positive ideas flow like a fountain of creativity.

Breath Feasts allow us to take in the breath of life, sharing it with others, speaking, visualizing, healing

and manifesting our destiny, one breath at a time.

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