Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (155 words)

The only person preventing your success is you.


Quote of the Day - August 23, 2018

The only person preventing your success is you.

There is no need for any further blame, denial or procrastination.

We have to come to the realization as responsible beings that we are in charge of our lives.

We are the source of change, We are the source of motivation, which is a drive withi.

Activate that motivation to achieve your destiny.

See a picture or what you want to be or do. Speak it, live it, visualize it and become it. No more procrastination

No more blame game. Be all that you can be. 

Take in the breath of life and manifest your destiny.

One love


Affirmation: I am a picture of good health in my mind's eye. 

NOTE: Stay tuned to this space for more details on my new book "Living Life as a Sacred Practice: Discover yourself as a Source of Creation" now under production.

Eternity is now; right now here.
Embrace your Spiritual Journey: Moving from Person...


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