Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (148 words)

On Yoga Day: Be One With Creation


June 21, 2018  is International Day of Yoga declared by the United Nations which highlights the importance of yogic sciences and its role in human wellbeing.

Sadhguru, Indian Mystic and leader of Isha Foundation has declared: “Having the sense to do what you can, standing aside in what you cannot do, and being alert and present, are the essence of yoga."

In India, a world center for Yoga, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister and longtime yoga practitioner facilitated approximately 50,000 volunteers through a series of yoga asanas today, Thursday, in celebration of the fourth anniversary of International Yoga Day.

Author of Living Life as a Sacred Practice (Discover Yourself as a Source of Creation), Sharon Oshun Parris-Chambers writes in her quote of the Day: "Stand in the presence and power of who you are as a Divine being today and everyday."

Affirmation: I AM one with humanity.

-Sharon Parris-Chambers

I Experience Myself As Consciousness
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