Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (178 words)

Become Aware of Your Higher Self

Become Aware of Your Higher Self

The first principle of Manifesting your destiny is to be become aware of your Higher Self.

Within you is the divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire. This is sucha a powerful statement that I suggest you reread and savor it before you gegin this journey.

Most of what we are taught to believe about our reality conflicts with this statement. However, I know it to be so true and valuable 

that I enclurage you to surrender any hesitation and let this thouht enter your consciousness: I have a divine ability to manifest and attract what I need or desire."

-Excerpt from book: Manifest Your Destiny 

-By Dr Wayne Dyer

This week we push ahead, remove the mist of the mind to purge the personality of fasehoods. We need to see without rose colored glasses and to know who we truly are. 

Let us continue the journey together, here and with the publication of the upcoming book: Living LIfe as a Sacred Practice: Discover
Yourself as a Source of Creation. Publication date: Second Quarter 2018.


When you See with Your Heart, you Relieve the Eyes...
Your Presence is a Present to humanity


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