Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (138 words)

Meet your Humility Halfway; Dare to be different


Meet your Humility Halfway; Dare to be different. By Sharon Parris-Chambers

Tune inward to your reverent power. Find your passion. It will take you to great heights.

On your journey, you will be challenged with lessons on humility. With spiritual practice you will learn humility, the key to entering the kingdom.

Is humility meekness? Humility is a value that comes from a deep place inside the human being. It drives one toward respect, kindness, forgiveness and love for humanity. It is an intrinsic part of a sentient experience.

The source of creation is within you. Therefore, rise to your greatness with humility at your core. Dare to be different! Believe in yourself and your reverent power to manifest your destiny one day at a time.

Sacred practice: Choose a meditative practice from the Appendix.

Affirmation: Greatness Lives in Me

“I AM a Divine Being transmitting Divine Love.”
Let The Universe Live Through You


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