Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
2 minutes reading time (353 words)

See the beauty in all beings and you see the beauty in you.


See the beauty in all beings and you see the beauty in you By Sharon Parris-Chambers
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When you practice seeing the beauty in the human experience and in all beings, you also see the beauty in yourself.

You learn to value, to love and honor you. This is sacred, remember the Christ asked us in the Holy Bible scriptures to love our neighbor as our self. This is a Sacred practice – to love the Divinity within us. This is a solemn duty that could change the world. If we love our neighbors as we love ourselves, honor and respect them, we can begin to be the change we wish to see in the world. This is the African Ubuntu principle at work. “I am because we are.”

Sacred Practice:

Practice looking in the mirror daily. Immerse your senses in your mirror image before you and say: "I love you." You will begin to heal the child within with these words.

Another effective practice is looking into the heart of a freshly cut Rose. Find a quiet place in nature or in the quiet of your room. Begin to stare at the center of the Rose, its heart. A Rose is much like life: you will encounter obstacles – thorns along the way, but with faith and belief you will experience the essence of the flower, the very divinity of your being.

Keep staring at the rose. Notice its color, texture and design. Savor its fragrances and think only about this thing of beauty in front of you. At first, other thoughts will enter your mind, gently say, "I will deal with this later." Simply return your attention to the object of your focus.  Soon your mind will grow strong and disciplined.

Excerpt - "The Heart of the Rose" from The Monk who sold his Ferrari. (Sharma, 2007)

When you practice seeing the beauty in you and humanity, you will begin to develop a spiritual consciousness and a disciplined mind that will lead to the desires of your heart. Live your passion and dreams. Practice this exercise regularly and manifest your destiny.

Affirmation: I see the beauty in me and humanity.


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