Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
2 minutes reading time (382 words)

Pacify Your Restless Mind


“How does one find peace while coexisting with such a restless mind?

The answer lies in emptying the mind of useless clutter to find stillness, the Presence of God consciousness.

By Sharon Parris-Chambers


Mind is what it is. A Conduit of impulses, images and feelings transmitted to your conscious self. 

In my book Poetry from the Rose of Sharon: Divine thoughts for Living Well, I wrote:
“Truth seekers who really want to see, to break through the illusion and see with clarity, turn to seeing with the heart. It never lies. It knows the soul’s journey and is your internal spirit guide.” (Parris-Chambers, 2011) This quote takes us into another realm of existence, moving from a mental construct and thinking our way through life to the heart’s core of feeling and knowing from the soul’s perspective.

There is no room for intellectualizing, using your mind to avoid dealing directly with life’s situations. The mind is so overactive, it is always thinking, weaving a tangled web that entraps you.

It is TIME for the ‘restless monkey’ mind to STOP.

Sacred Practice: Practice Traffic Control of your thoughts, stopping at fixed points throughout the day to quiet the mind. Take 5 minutes daily for 30 days to practice Traffic Control of your thoughts. At regular intervals 9:00 a.m., 12 Noon, 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.  STOP what you are doing and Clear your conscious mind. Say: “I need clarity now, I will deal with all other thoughts later.”  This is a time to be one with nature. No thinking, just being. Or you may wish to focus on a mantra, such as: I am Love, I am Peace, I am well in mind, body and spirit or I AM.


At the end of 5 minutes, write your reflections in your journal. You would have done Traffic Control for 20 minutes each day. At the end of 30 days read the entire month’s activities and see how much progress you have made. You may choose to increase or decrease the time and days for reflection. Only you know your needs.

A worthy observation: “It bewilders that we can find time for everything else, but the nourishment of our mind.” You Can Do This!

AFFIRMATION:  I empty my mind of useless clutter.
( Repeat throughout the day.)  I Can Do This!

Imagine the life you want to live and then live it...
Be in the Center of the Dance of Consciousness


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