Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (220 words)

"When you obstruct the flow of Divine Law of the Universe, you will feel its effect in mind, body and spirit”.

Nothing can stop your flow of divine good or energy but you. Therefore, find a way under, over or around any obstacle that would upset your divine energy, peace and balance. You are the master of your destiny. You are the one you have been waiting for. You have Greatness within. Rise to the occasion and accept your Greatness. Let nothing obstruct your flow of Divine good, Divine Intelligence, Divine Greatness.

Now, if you do allow obstructions to your Divine flow, then you will feel Dis-ease in your

mind, body and spirit. The universal Law is what it is, immutable. Find a way to obey the Universal law and enjoy the blessings of peace, love and happiness all the days of your life.

PRACTICE: Find time today to breathe deeply, relax and affirm your Divine Good. For example: "Today, I extend One Love to all Humanity."

Take a minimum of 5 -15 mins. and relax into your breath. Breathe in – Brief Hold – Breathe Out. Repeat. Again. You will receive some benefits in mind - body and spirit as you continue to sit in quiet meditation with the goal of quieting your mind. Say “This is my quiet time, I will deal with all emergencies later.”

AFFIRMATION: Today, I greet the day with love in my heart.

-Source: Sharon Parris-Chambers

The Ascension Of The Sacred Feminine
“Live in the Now with every breath you take”


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