Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
3 minutes reading time (622 words)

Peace and Love is an approach to Mindfulness


When you are in a state of mindfulness you are one with the universe. There is no time for the "monkey mind" to play games. You are out of your mind. Existence is as it should be, you are in a state of quietude, as consciousness.

In this state of awareness peace and love is the currency of exchange. It is the deep abiding peace that quiets the soul and allows for inward reflection to take place. Combined with unconditional love that wants nothing and gives everything, this consciousness creates a blissful sate of Satori.

Love will naturally change things you see without being filtered by the schemata to interpret it. Unconditional love needs no filter mechanism and dispenses with the ego to arrive at an undiluted vibration of pure love.

Peace and love therefore creates a state of tranquility and pure vibration necessary for sentient beings to experience universal oneness.

Be mindful of giving pure unconditional love to all without any regard for personal benefits. You will be amazed at the unexpected returns of interest your deposit would have made, much more than the investment in a savings account. It pays to bank on spiritual virtue, the payoff is out of this world.

Sacred Practice: Mystical Qigong Exercise

Take a deep breath in, exhale. Repeat until you are relaxed. Vision yourself in a past situation where you expressed love, romantic, platonic or agape. Think happy thoughts. Take that same energy and vibration and infuse into the following Qigong practice:

Step 1: Remain centered with hands to yours sides for at least 1 minute.

Step 2: Begin with body slapping along the arms, chest and all areas of your legs. This aids in circulation and creating body heat.

Step 3. Separate hands and with arms at the side of the body with palms facing downward, begin meditating. Visualize a connection between your palms and the earth. Hold for 2 mins.

Step 4. Transition to palms facing each other and begin expansion and contraction movements, 18 times.

Step 5. Transition to Zhan Zhuang, Qigong (Pole Standing) meditative posture. Remain in this position for 5 minutes. Refer to illustration below for side and frontal views.

Qigong standing pose

Step 6. Repeat Step 1. Remain centered with hands to your sides for I minute.

End with a mantra: “I am one with the universe; the universe is in me and I am in the universe. We are one, we are bound; inseparable.”

Source: Sharon Parris-Chambers

Excerpts of Qigong Exercise from The Mystical Qigong Handbook for Good Health by Glenville Ashby, Ph.D. Pp. 94-96.

QIGONG: RECAPTURE LIFE, HEALTH & HAPPINESS (The Art of Healing & Prosperity. Grow Younger With Us)
Saturday, 28 September, 2019 ~ AFYA HOLISTIC VILLAGE ~ 2D Bamboo Avenue, Kingston 6

Recapture Life, Health & Happiness with Qigong is a workshop that teaches the preventative and curative practice of therapeutic movement to help you take charge of your life, health and happiness. Presented by Glenville Ashby, Ph.D. Qigong practitioner, Award-winning author and Jamaica Gleaner Religion & Culture Columnist for the first time in Jamaica. He is joined by Sharon Oshun Parris-Chambers, author and Wellness consultant & Coach. You won’t want to miss this opportunity!

For imformation on the upcoming Qigong below, contact Oshun at 876-275-3169 or via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For booking, contact Mafusa at 876-434-7433. Thank you.

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Qigong Can Help You Recapture Life, Health & Happi...


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