Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (190 words)

Begin your 2020 Spiritual Transformation Today


Sharon Oshun Parris-Chambers, author of "Living Life as a Sacred Practice: Discover Yourself as a Source of Creation," invites you to begin your 2020 Spiritual Transformation with a Book Signing on December 22, 2019 from 12 Noon until 2:30 pm at MEDU BOOKSTORE located in Greenbriar Mall, Atlanta, GA.

You will find the lessons in the book to be timely, inciteful and out of this world. You have to be there to "Feel" the vibration and energy that Sharon Oshun offers Truth Seekers on their spiritual journey.

About the Author:

The author is a truth seeker, creator of transformational quotes and poetic prose. She developed spiritual mastery living from the inside out over a span of twenty years.  She shares these practices with readers seeking spiritual development. She has expanded her focus on self-mastery with Living Life as a Sacred Practice: Discover Yourself as a Source of Creation, which asks the reader to come up higher to Divine Mind to find their purpose in life and to live that purpose.

The author is a non-denominational minister (BA) and has a BA in Psychology.

For more information call 770-885-5219 or 404-300-9745.

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