Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
2 minutes reading time (308 words)

Live Your Values

Live Your Values

CHAPTER: Values to Live by - Peace

" In a world full of change and uncertainty, do not be afraid, 
retreat to your Temple of Inner Peace for guidance, strength and vision."

-Sharon Parris-Chambers
Excerpt from "Living Life as a Sacred Practice"

The world’s overt and subtle pressures derail us from the path of enlightenment. Confused, we seek material things for validation, all the while struggling to stay afloat.

Stop! Guard against destructive influences.  Take charge of your Temple.

Let us focus on what is best for developing the mind, body and spirit. If my mind is at peace I am unmoved by the battering noise. I am still, unmoved by the vacuous chatter. I am in charge. My choices are mine – deliberate and balanced. How could I go wrong?


Sacred Practice: Retreat to your Temple of Inner Peace, go inward to your inner sanctuary. Focus on your breath; use breathing exercises to move the breath and allow these words to transport you to higher consciousness: “There is quiet there, an ocean of peace and tranquility permeates your consciousness. You are one with it. There is no separation. You escape your troubles in body and mind. You are pure energy and vibration. You think thoughts and they manifest in physical form. You emanate light; You are transformed into your subtle body. You are light, your original source.

Imagine this is your coach speaking; Repeat after me: “I no longer blame others or myself for my behavior. I do not choose to blame as an escape or solution to my troubles, I retreat to my Temple of Inner Peace, my inner sanctuary, to find the answers. I face temporary situations head on and deal with the issues. This way, the demons that I make up in my mind are dissolved by tackling the real issues.”

Write your experiences in your journal.


Affirmation: I live from my Temple of Inner Peace.

Your Breath is your Constitution for Living


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