By Sharon Oshun Parris Chambers on Thursday, 14 February 2019
Category: Uncategorized

Let the Real You Stand Up

Let the Real You Stand Up

-Sharon Parris-Chambers


DO NOT hesitate to Re-Invent yourself any time you choose to be the You that You Really, Really Want to Be. You are a representation of the Divine Universe. It is Time to Live your Truth.

What do you gain by marginalizing your abilities?

As of today, prepare to embrace You as a brilliant star, a reflection of the dynamic universe of which You are a part. We do not have time to keep searching to find ourselves. We can begin to say, ‘The soul which was lost is now found.’  Pledge to remain in conscious awareness of who you are. Accept your Greatness and move on.

The author of Anam Cara: Your Soul Friend and Bridge to Enlightenment and Creativity, Dr Glenville Ashby says, “Friendship is a profound bond, a heart-to-heart connection that takes time to nurture. It's rooted in the soul, not to be constrained by time or space.” (Ashby, 2016) Evoke your Anam Cara, your Spiritual Guide to stand by you, whenever you need guidance and protection.

Sacred Practice:

During your quiet time, visualize yourself stepping up to do the things that you believe you cannot do. Feel the pain, feel the doubt and anxiety and then say, “If Eleanor Roosevelt can do what she thinks she cannot do, then so can I”. “Yes, I can do all things through the I AM presence or Divine Spirit within me.”


Reflect on the following Quote: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

- Eleanor Roosevelt, U.S. first lady, diplomat and activist

The I AM Presence in me can do all things.



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