
Be Grounded in Divine Consciousness : Morning Meditation
Sharon Parris-Chambers


Be rooted, grounded in Divine consiousness or you could be uprooted or washed over by misleading egotistic thoughts and attitudes. This could lead you off the path of positivity and goodness.

Take time to reflect, to be silent. Connect to the Divine Universe and re-charge your batteries. Re-connect to your Divine self. Gain new enery, restore and revitalize your Chi or life foce.

When the Chi (Qi) is flowing effortlessly within, there is a magical alignment with the univese. You are at your best, joy emerges and life is worth living. You are happy.


Visit your garden or quiet space. Clear the space of negative energy. Sit in lotus pose with index finger, thumb & middle finger held in a circle, which helps to retain Chi energy. Or stand in Qigong standing meditation pose (See illustration below) for 5-15 mins. Or sit quietly with hands on lap and fingers, relaxed. Focus on your breath. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply. Relax. If competing thoughts arise. Allow them to fade away or dismiss them. Re-focus on your breath. Relax into your being, know that in Divine Consciousness, you live, move and have your being.

Return to conscious awarness when you are ready. Write your experiences in our journal.

Qigong standing pose

Affirmation: I am grounded in Divine Spirit whih flows through me.