The Power of Self-Control



The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain
and pleasure use you. If you don’t, life controls you.

- Anthony Robbins

Thoughts of self-control visited me today and pulled me back from uttering sharp and cutting words. I AM grateful for introspective thinking, which prevented me from losing my composure.

Instead, I removed myself from the stimuli, changed my thoughts and attitude. This allowed me to reframe and shift my attention to more positive thoughts and positive deeds. I smile and my attitude changes to a friendlier one. I begin to breathe deeply and soon the freedom of averting a painful confrontation was averted.

In my retreat, I am relaxed and focused on more pleasant thoughts and things. I reach for my diary and become engrossed in my entry to further learn from what has happened.

I wrote: “Today, I learned how to have self-control, by speaking less and learning how to avoid destructive stimuli.”

Sacred Practice: Self-control.

 For one month, I will practice self-control in words, thoughts and   
 action. I will write my daily observations in my diary and learn from

 Affirmation: I speak, think, act with humility and self-control.


SOURCE: NEW BOOK:: "Living Life as a Sacred Practice:Discover Yourself as a Soure of Creation." 

CHAPTER: Values to Live by – Self Control