Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (144 words)

The Abundant flow in the universie is seeking you; just reach out and accept it.



The abundant flow in the universe is seeking you, just reach out and accept it. In doing so you accept yourself as a Divine Force of Creation.

There is no reason why you cannot manifest your destiny, one thought at a time. Reach out and accept the abundant flow, it is seeking you.What ever you are seeking is seeking you. So be careful to focus on positive thoughts.

When you are in your mind you think of lack and limitation. You stifle the good that is seeking you. 

Cancel those negative thoughts, be kind to yourself. Begin again to breathe deeply and re-focus on your true essence of oneness within the universe. You cannot be separated from it, except by fear. 

Dare to live your passions and watch abundane begin to flow into your life.

AFFIRMATION: I accept Abundant flow into my life.

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