Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (235 words)

It is Time to Wake Up


It’s Time to Wake Up

It’s time to wake up from our sleep of avoidance of truth.
It’s time to wake up and see with the mind’s eyes.
It’s time to wake up to inner knowing.
It’s time to wake up to peace and harmony.

Be transparent, open, and true
to enhance your view,
your role and what you are to do.
Stop political fighting and tribal warfare
show the world that you care.

Forgive debt and eradicate poverty
wake up to your true nature.
Wake up to a new world order.
Look within and speak to your Maker.

Wake up and feel the power of true reverence.
You will find no need to hurt another.
Turn away from external reference,
then you will find love will take you further.

Wake up and find YOUR link to mankind,
then you will see with clarity
that earthly pursuit of divisive agendas
robs you of inner peace and equal parity.

It’s your birthright.
Wake up to your reverent power and might
you don’t even have to fight.
This time, you don’t need to gripe.

It’s time to come out
breathe out a sign of relief.
Wake up, lift your voice and shout!

Your station in life is not one of grief.
Wake up and let your soul express you,
free you, console you, breathe you, be one with it.
Feel the power of true reverence and freedom!

Inspired Thoughts for Wellbeing
Free to be me ~ Self-Determination


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