Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
2 minutes reading time (358 words)

I Embrace me and Love me (A prayer of Forgiveness)

I Embrace me and Love me (A prayer of Forgiveness)

I Embrace me and Love me (A prayer of Forgiveness)
-Sharon Parris-Chambers

“I embrace me as my authentic self; I look within

I no longer seek ego-gratification

I embrace me and love my reverent self

I am not in denial or fear my greatness

I will not run away from me, nor my brilliance

I am great beyond belief

I smile and relax in my being

I am no longer afraid of fear, failure or my shortcomings

I repeat these Healing Words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you, I am Sorry, Please Forgive me and Thank you

These special words heal our broken, tired hearts and lift our spirits.”


Repeat as a Mantra for 5-10 mins and feel the power of this meditative affirmation. When used as a daily cleansing and healing ritual, it becomes a powerful tool for spiritual transformation. Ho’oponopono is an excellent complement for all forms of self-improvement, including meditation, yoga and life coaching, just to name a few.

Affirmation: Place your hand on your Heart and say:

“I love you, I am sorry, Please  Forgive me and I thank you”

The meaning of Ho’oponopono ~ Hawaiian affirmation for forgiveness and healing, follows:

I am saying to my heart, I love you I am your comforter and friend; I am sorry for any wrong that I have done; please forgive me and I thank you for allowing this problem to surface so that it can be eliminated.

I must first recognize in me the need to heal myself, to heal my soul through speaking to my heart with these words.

 These words reach the subconscious mind and transform your negative energies into pure love. “I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me and I thank you”

When you use this practice and these words, you Clean, Delete and Cancel negative thoughts from the subconscious self and transform your negative energies into pure LOVE.

Love is the vibrational frequency that changes each person into Divine beings.

NOTE: This writer has used Ho’oponopono as an effective sacred practice and is taking the Ho’oponopono training certification course by Dr. Joe Vitale and Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon during the writing of this book.

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