Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
2 minutes reading time (379 words)



-By Sharon Parris-Chambers

I AM my I AM presence and I acknowledge this awareness as Divine presence in me right now.

Humanity is entering the Age of Aquarius where harmony, peace and love will be the currency of exchange.

I AM one with my lineage and I will name them now silently. Give thanks for your lineage through which you have entered the planet. We can invoke the light of God to everyone on earth simultaneously. Not just one person, but to seven and a half billion people evolving on the planet. Accepting the changes in the ages, I allow my I AM presence to take charge of transforming my mind and body to enter this celestial period on earth.

Say:  “I invoke the light of God on behalf of myself, my loved ones and all humanity.”

Meditative Practice:  Sit in quiet reflection. Focus on your breath. Begin now for 15 to 30 mins. Inhale and exhale, relax. Choose a short phrase or mantra to direct your thoughts. Such as: I am an open door through which to transmit love and light.

 Your thoughts can become aimless and restless when you sit in meditation and reflection. Use the mantra to guide your thoughts, keeping the flow positive. Breathe deeply, inhale and exhale, take 10 deep breaths. Continue breathing throughout, although sometimes your breath will be a bit shallow. This might be a time when you are thinking about something deep, or you might unconsciously become fearful. Breathe through it. Do not give in. Your breath is your guide during these explorations. Meditation is no mystery. It really is a state of mind, not an activity.

You do not do meditation, you enter into meditation as a conscious activity. When we practice the rudiments of accessing the spirit realm, which is our original home, it becomes easy to go in and out of consciousness at will. You are now learning how to master your destiny. Your awareness level will increase, you will use access to Spirit for positive and healing purposes. We will not deal with the dark side of spiritual power, which does exist. Our purpose is to bless and heal humanity with Peace and Love.

Affirmation:  I AM My I AM presence

Let life Touch You
Tune in to Divine Spirit, an Ever-ready and Ever-p...


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