Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (192 words)

Great and Weakness Cannot Coexist in the Same Space."

Quote of the Day ~ January 15, 2018

A Divine being, an intelligence of existense, cannot be great and enteratin weakness and fear. That is not the nature of divine beings. It is time to ascend to a higher plane. Divine intelligence calls you forth to expand the boundaries of your mind. As blood courses through your veins know that you can do all things through the intelligence in you.

Begin to practice relying on your innate intelligence as a Divine being, Trust your thoughts & impulses that emenate from your God center.. these are thoughts of love, kindness, honor, compassion, etc.  If the thoughts are weak, shallow, fear or anxiety-based, reject them because their source is not Divine.

An Intelligence of existence is our Divine nature it is resident in us - Awaken your greatness, dare to challenge yourself to come up higher to Divine Mind and where you can do all things. You are a creation of the Divine. You are an Intelligence of creaton all seven trillion plus cells in your body. They know their nature. Do you?

Listen to your Sacred Self and meet your greatness face to face.

Inspired Thoughts for Wellbeing


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