Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (213 words)

Free to be me ~ Self-Determination


"I AM Free to be me”
-Sharon Parris-Chambers

Can you truly say that your limiting beliefs and actions are not holding you back or negatively influencing others?  Today, you can say and believe: “I AM Free to be a conscious being filled with light and love. I AM Free to be me.” “It is time that I find my authentic self and be inner directed, removing myself from group think and the tribe.”

Yes, I am a member of the human race, which is in reality, One Self. Yet, I am uniquely me. I am manifesting my destiny, as the secret person of the heart. I AM Free to be me. I AM manifesting as a new creation.

Sacred Practice: Visualiation

Using Visualization project belief in yourself and your greatness. Sit back, take a deep breath and exhale. Repeat a few times. Now, close your eyes and visualize (picture) yourself as the professional that you want to be or as the person that you want to be. Where you are respected and honored by others for the way you think and act. Go ahead and live your life from the Inside Out. See your success through visualization before manifestation.

Record your visualization in your diary.

Affirmation: I AM free to be me.


It is Time to Wake Up
Let life Touch You

Comments 1

Guest - Sasha Davis on Friday, 29 December 2017 14:14

These are very inspirational thoughts....Thank you

These are very inspirational thoughts....Thank you :)
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