
We oft find fault with ourselves because of our quest for perfection. This is a dangerous course from which you must depart immediately. There is no fault in the perfection that is the human body. Everything is as it should be. If an error occurs, learn from it. Never impart negativity to anything. Keep away from negative people and situations.  Find your own truths within. Go DEEP -- in your reflection and meditation, you will discover the hidden person within, your Spiritual Self. Gain currency with this person and learn how to be in harmony, peace and love. This little girl or boy within seeks your approval, love and affection. Do not starve your inner self of these important values.

Meditative Practice:

Sit in a chair, place another chair in front of you and imagine that your ‘Inner child’ is facing you.

What do you want to say to him/her? Do you just want to hug and show affection?
Do you want to explain why you have been so distant and your intention to change things?

Do you want to make right wrongs of the past? Go ahead, speak your mind and end the session with a hug and promise to keep tabs on your little child within.

Most of all, stay positive by adapting a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA). Keep your PMA strong and you will always be on top of the world.

Affirmation: I love me and the child within. (And so it is.)